Unity Recovery HRW
Unity Recovery HRW
16 days ago (event.recurrent_1w_days)

A HRW meeting hosted by Unity Recovery.

About Unity Recovery:

Recovery is a reality for over 22 million Americans with past substance use concerns, over 40 million in mental health recovery, and countless more millions across the globe. We truly believe that recovery is individual, dynamic, and ultimately, best directed by the individual with support from their community.

With this philosophy in mind, Unity Recovery was founded to be an inclusive recovery community organization and community center for everyone. We offer non-clinical, peer-based recovery support services in our communities to support individuals and family members on their paths of recovery.

  • Vision: We envision a world where recovery is no longer hidden in the shadows and the millions of Americans with mental health and substance use disorders are celebrated and supported.

  • Mission: To provide inclusive community-based recovery support services and education for all individuals in or seeking recovery.

We are guided by a core set of principles and beliefs that inform everything we do:

  • Recovery is a dynamic process in which the individual is the expert in their own lives

  • All pathways, programs, and modalities of recovery are valuable and legitimate

  • Individuals who use substances or live with severe and persistent mental illness are worthy, loved, and deserve dignity

  • Saving lives is always #1; you can’t recover if you are no longer living

  • Harm reduction is both a pathway and program of recovery, as well as a life saving set of services

  • The community is the best source of information in addressing substance use, mental health, and other quality of life concerns

  • Stigma, bias, and discrimination have no place in recovery

  • Tough love approaches to initiating recovery dehumanize and harm individuals living with substance use or mental health disorders

  • The ability to pay should not impact the availability of quality recovery support services